How Can We Show Up for Ourselves?

I am not resistant to fear-based thoughts, especially since much of our consumerist culture conditions us to think we don’t have enough, do enough, earn enough or are enough. From time to time, I fall down the well. When this happens, my shadow self can be very stealthy in the way it talks to me. As my spirituality and mystic gifts have expanded, so has the intelligence of my Ego. It has learned “elevated language.” It’s very witty. 

I find I am most susceptible to this when my physical body is weakened, be it from exhaustion, sickness or stress. Anita Moorjani, author of “Sensitive Is The New Strong: The Power Of Empaths in an Increasingly Harsh World, calls this a lower physical frequency. Cruelty, criticism, anger, fear, guilt or shame can thrust us out of our higher spiritual frequency. When in a lower state, we tend to feel disconnected from our intuitive self, resulting in feeling out of alignment with our intuition. Herein, we feel the burden of negative thoughts in our emotions and body. We might feel sad, drained, doubtful, stuck, misguided, betrayed, abandoned. These sorts of emotions have low vibrations and stem from the voice of our mind. Whereas positive emotions such as love, joy, compassion and creativity bloom from our Spiritual Essence.

When connected to our Higher Self, we trust our intuition, spiritual guides, guidance and gifts. We have a greater sense of ease in how life unfolds, believing it does so for us and when it is meant for us versus feeling as though life is conspiring against us. I will share a personal example.

A few weeks ago, I was sick with Covid and got a good look at my evolved Ego. At the time, having just returned from an amazing trip to Peru, I was ready to take the helm of cultivating new projects. But being sick, I was forced to pause everything. I simply did not have the energy and it was in that space where I heard my Ego saying such things as, “This is awful. We’re going to fail now. We’re already failing because we’re technically behind schedule. We have intentions and plans for cultivation that were designed to align with the lunar calendar!” 

Let me highlight the key words my mind cleverly integrated into this rant: intention, cultivation, alignment. My Ego is learning to talk like my higher self. Sneaky! But, I was able to be aware of this because I consistently give myself space to be with my Inner Self. And, you can too. How, you ask? Read on, my friend!

One of the essential necessities I realized for myself during the incubation of Covid in 2020, was how much more alone time I need in order to recenter, rebalance and reboot. Moorjani also talks about this in her book, “If you have trouble hearing, seeing or otherwise sensing and receiving downloads (aka guidance), start taking more time alone.” She goes further, “In fact, spend more time talking to yourself.

Whoa! Sounds like madness but it is mystic wisdom in practice. My inner dialogue now consists of asking myself questions, such as “Why am I feeling this way? What am I feeling? Is this new or from a rooted shadow seed? What self care do I need to process this?” And on and on I go, pausing after each question to allow for the answer to surface. And, when it does, I practice self compassion. Self compassion is the space in between your answer and response that follows. It is not filled with criticism or even plans to immediately resolve the issue: it is merely an inner space in which I can view and be present to what I am experiencing and why.

If you are in such a tight head space that it is difficult to even begin self inquiring, another helpful method of raising your frequency is to practice gratitude. Find five things you’re grateful for, in the moment, and write them down. There is something cathartic in transferring your words of gratitude onto paper; to see them spelled out by your hand can create an internal shift towards a higher spiritual frequency. On days when this is tough, allow yourself to be silly. For example: “I am grateful for: coffee, chocolate, my flip flops…” One of my other go-to methods are essential oils. I prefer a scent that can help me relax and create a sense of ease, like peppermint or Ylang Ylang.

So, remember, my dear friend: negative thoughts and feelings stem from our lower physical frequencies, whereas positive emotions and vibrations flow from our higher spiritual self. When you are feeling low, it means you are out of alignment with your higher self. There is always a way back in and up. It takes patience, a little ponderance and the practice of self-love to bring us back on track. We’re never utterly disconnected, just a bit discombobulated. Anyone who is discombobulated has the ability to rediscover and reconnect with their Higher Spiritual Self, but you have to first show up in your Truth, accept where you are and then began to ask yourself questions, “What do I need? How can I show up for myself?”

Give yourself the grace of space in any valley that holds the shadow of the self.

The light will come again, but we must grant ourselves time and kindness along the way. Our inner light never disappears. We are like the sun, burning ever brightly; it’s merely the eye of the beholder who perceives it to be gone.

Love on!

Tania Isaac is an experienced Spiritual Guidance Channeler, Pet Communicator, Integrative Energy Healer and certified yoga instructor who specializes in blending holistic modalities to create unique healing sessions. She is located in Santa Barbara, CA where she lives with her husband and their rescued dog Oreo. Her mission is to empower empaths and help individuals connect with their innate metaphysical and healing abilities. To learn more about her offerings, visit: