Time & Touch: Healing Through Self Awareness

A full moon can bring about many things for every individual. Just as the moon affects the tides, it affects our energy and emotions. The purpose of this past full moon was to enlighten you to all that is you: light and shadow. And, to bring us into a greater pasture of self-acceptance; the challenge of loving thyself despite. 

This recent full moon was extremely revealing for me. I was surprised by old insecurities that were brought to the surface. As I observed them flare, I felt myself flounder; haven’t I dealt with this already? Yes, but there they were again, rearing their flagrant voices. It felt crushing to experience the heaviness of the emotional tidal wave and to comprehend it was mind numbing. But, Spirit urged me on by saying, 

“Open your heart and allow yourself to see all of you and to feel all of what you feel. Then, allow yourself to accept and love yourself, just as you are. Everything you are feeling is temporary. Everything you become aware of in feeling will expand your Self-awareness and Self-realization, infinitely.

Rather than scrutinize yourself, Love Yourself. Rather than wonder what you’ve done wrong or how you’re not enough, ground yourself through your practices and remember you a human-in Being. Surrender your guilt and shame in to acts of Self Love.

It can be difficult to accept the idea that one must accept themselves in order to grow. We, as people, have become so accustomed to compartmentalizing our lives to fit the modern time table of life. As a result, we have become conditioned to segregate ourselves into good and bad, right or wrong, acceptable and unacceptable, instead of just saying, “This is all of who I am right now.”

Long before our modern twelve month calendar, the moon cycles were people’s natural time table. We were more in tune with the pulse of Mother Earth and the essential breath of life. Today, many cultures are far removed from this innate connection of and to essence - within ourselves and with the world around us. This can make it difficult to digest our experiences and process our emotions. Rather than move forward wholly, we leave a good percentage of ourselves behind and little by little become less of ourselves.

So, what does it take for every individual to reconnect to their whole self - to feel, to heal, to be real? Time and touch. 

I will elaborate.

Time: take a moment to think of the way you schedule your time between work, play, chores and essentials such as sleeping, eating, exercise, etc. Where is your quality You Time? Do you find yourself either squeezing it in as a last priority or allowing it to be squeezed out all together, often? Time is essential to self-care and it requires mindfulness to cultivate a consistent practice in which you devote to your Yourself. It’s not selfish, it is necessary.

Touch: one of the most basic self healing practices is a gentle laying of your hands upon yourself. A hand upon your heart, upper abdomen, cradling your forearms or even just bringing your hands together are simplistic and sensational. They can have a profound effect, because in effect you are applying self-healing touch and through this, you experience self-witnessing. 

Time and touch together: Sit or lay down in a way in which your spine can feel at full length. Then place your hands upon yourself in a way that feels soothing. (The above mentioned laying of the hands are wonderful examples.) Lastly, breathe. Allow all of your five senses to register the experience of your breath. Whether you practice this for a few minutes or a half-hour, genuinely try to be present with and to yourself, without judgment. 

If you find yourself saying “I don’t have time, I’m too busy,” then I challenge you to set a timer for just five minutes. That’s all; five minutes. I promise that a small amount of time can have a powerful sense of healing for you because all the healing potential is already within each of us. We each merely need to practice pausing and self-reflecting to reconnect with our innate ability to mend.

More and more I am being called to empower individuals upon their healing journey. If you feel moved to step onto your path and need guidance, I am here for you. My Intuitive and Womb Healing sessions are intended to honor every individual and illuminate the practices and tools that can support you. I believe it is important for all people to know they are never alone on their path. Though everyone’s path is unique, it doesn’t mean it has to be a lonely journey. 

I look forward to seeing you walking in the Light, my friend. Shine on.

Tania Isaac is an experienced Channeler, Pet Communicator, Energy Healer and Integral Yoga Hatha Instructor who specializes in blending healing modalities to create unique specialized healing sessions. She is located in Santa Barbara, CA where she lives with her husband and rescued dog Oreo. Her mission is to empower empaths and help individuals connect with their innate metaphysical and healing abilities.
